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akanbi Jesu ademoye adekanbi chosen, ordained and called an apostle & a seer of divine revelation of Jesus Christ {prophet} a teacher with mandate of similitude’s visions in this present generation to raise divine soldier of solution with wings of prophetic mantles; he is the apostle/prophet in the EagleStar house of MORNINGSTAR APOSTOLIC CHURCH {THE APOSTOLIC AND PROPHETIC SOLDIERS OF JESUS CHRIST} Ordained and chosen to illuminating the soldiers of Quest, soldiers of power, soldiers of purity, soldiers of Glory, and the soldiers of purpose in Christ Jesus kingdom @ MORNINGSTAR CHURCH ADDRESS AND OFFICE:- 1, MorningStar Avenue, MorningStar Bus Stop, Tanmola C. D. A., PowerLine, Idi-Ota, Idi-Aba, Off Abe Koko, Owode Yewa South Local Government, Ogun State, Nigeria, West Africa and a global missionary. My eager for soul winning every day as Borden in my heart and pray for sick people all over the world, JESUS CHRIST COMING IN THE SECOND TIME WILL BE PROCLAIM BY THE MATURED PROPHETS OF THE LAST DAY.APOSTLE/PROPHET AKANBI ADEKANBI MINISTRIES (PAAM) THE APOSTOLIC & PROPHETIC DESTINY SOLUTION MINISTRIES apostleakanbi.orgMY VISION Ordain and chosen to put illumination into Dreams, visions, and the gift of the chosen mature prophets. There is a need to know between the chosen mature prophets, called mature prophets and the gifted mature prophets in the Holy Ghost. And there is also need to know between the immature prophets, immature called prophets, immature in character prophets and the gifted immature prophets in the church and the world. Rev. 22, Deut. 13:1-5, Jer.14:13-14, zec.13:2-

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